Saturday, July 12, 2014

Arriving in Antibes

I left Apt and wanted to swing by Cassis before reaching Antibes.  The weather was cloudy so our cliff drive wasn't as spectacular as I'd hoped but the little harbor was lovely and we enjoyed a good French breakfast and saw the sea for the first time this trip.  Then we continued eastward to our final destination.

I spent nearly two days in Antibes (or Juan-les-Pins to be specific) alone with the kids before Emilia, our amazing sitter, arrived and it was a lot more stressful than laid-back Provence.
First of all, no matter that I brought what felt like a ton of provisions, we had to go grocery shopping.  Caroline had a winner trip, screaming throughout the store for who knows what.  I forgot to weigh the bananas and instead of waving me through with a euro charge or something, I had to go find the scale with the three kids in tow (C still screaming) and a line of shoppers annoyed at waiting.  Oh well, I really wanted the bananas.
And then to cap off the day, because I drove my kids 900 miles from Brussels to the South of France, I took them to the beach.  Ooh, I don't like sand...but they sure do love it!

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